
aerial view of Kennesaw apartment complex

Taxes in Kennesaw are levied by both the City of Kennesaw and Cobb County. Current tax rates for Kennesaw are listed below. For the region, Cobb County has the 4th lowest combined county/school taxes in the 10-county region, and Kennesaw has a middle-of-the-road tax rate compared to other cities in the region. 

Kennesaw Tax Overview

Tax Rates

City of Kennesaw

9.5 Mills

Cobb County

11.5 Mills

Cobb County Schools

19 Mills


40 Mills

Why Georgia?

In 2022, Area Development Magazine named Georgia as the #1 State for Business - the ninth year in a row that the magazine has honored Georgia with that title. In each of the 13 categories Area Development assessed, Georgia consistently placed in the top 10 states in each category.


Business Incentives Programs


Overall Cost of Doing Business


Favorable Regulatory Environment


Corporate Tax Structure

"The state lowered its corporate tax rate a few years ago, and even before that, the rate had not gone up for at least half a century. Georgia also is generous with tax credits and exemptions..."

Steve Kaelble, Staff Editor, Area Development

Georgia Shines as a State for Business

There are many attributes that make Georgia attractive to businesses. Thanks to the state’s low corporate tax rates, ability to provide ample access to capital and financing, and programs such as Georgia Quick Start and Georgia Ready for Accelerated Development (GRAD), starting a business in or expanding to Georgia is a much more streamlined and cost-effective process than in other states.

Tax Credits

An extensive list of tax credits means there are financial incentives available to businesses across a wide range of industries and at multiple income levels.

Learn more about our tax credits and other incentives